A routine check on a pharmaceutical project quickly turned into a nightmare when a consultant found himself facing an unexpected ambush from high-level stakeholders. What began as a simple task spiraled into a confrontation over a canceled training session, leading to a tense lunch meeting with the project's failure at the forefront.
Running a business isn’t easy, but what’s important is knowing how to handle challenges professionally. Tune in for more!
Payment shows commitment and this is something this client definitely doesn’t have. Watch this episode to learn more!
When you ask someone what’s wrong, don’t feel bad when they tell you the truth. Today’s story is going to teach you to leave your ego at the front door and instead see the bigger picture.
Scared of lawsuits when you know you’re in the right? We’re more concerned about the liars behind it! Watch this episode to learn how to get ahead and be the winner despite having all odds stacked against you.
If you’re stubborn about getting work checked to make sure nothing is amiss, this episode will teach you the value of humility and the importance of trusting people to do right by you.