Client Management For Nice People: Jaw-dropping client experiences (and how they changed us.)

That time you got sued for fraud — by the actual people committing fraud! (with Jason Roberts)

Have you ever committed a white lie to save yourself? Well, Jason Roberts’ client horror story revolves around that, but they took lying to a whole new different level.

In today’s episode, Our Beloved Host, Morgan Friedman, is joined by Jason Roberts, Peak Performance Coach and 9-Figure Entrepreneur, who will be sharing his worst nightmare to date. During his early entrepreneur years, he owned a mortgage company and one day came face to face with a paraplegic client looking to apply for a construction loan. He was a nice guy, and Jason felt there was nothing to worry about, so he went ahead and helped the client to make a difference.

A month after the client moved into his new home, he unfortunately passes and the outstanding loan is left to rot, with no one willing to take responsibility for it. Jason had no idea about this. He thought all was well and good and paid no mind when a family member called to ask if there were options to cancel the loan. To his surprise, a week later the County Sheriff showed up to his office and he got served with a lawsuit for alleged fraud, stating that the borrower was taken advantage of during the whole process as he was mentally incapacitated.

Lies upon lies were put on top of the other just so the family could get millions out of him, but Jason refused to lose. Six months in, he had an epiphany that turned the tables around.

Wanna know what happened? Oh, I’m not at liberty to break the excitement. Watch the whole episode to know how Jason outmaneuvered the real fraudsters and learn a key point or two to avoid these problems in the future!


Morgan Friedman

Jason’s Website

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