Client Management For Nice People: Jaw-dropping client experiences (and how they changed us.)
Client Horror Stories

Best Story Tellers

Learn more about the importance of identifying problem-bringers, detecting narcissistic tendencies, and finding problem-solvers among potential clients. With an open mind, gain insights into the strategies, warning signs, and practical tips that can help lawyers foster healthier and more productive professional relationships.
We all had that one straw in life where we just said, “That’s it. I’m done.” For Matthew Davis of Davis Business Law, this drama triangle-themed client-horror story led him to not deal with family law anymore.
If you think you have already witnessed how toxic and brutal clients could be in all of our episodes, then you guess wrong. The client Dimitri describes as a "walking shell of a man" wins the prize for the most toxic and abusive client in all client-horror stories episodes.