Client Management For Nice People: Jaw-dropping client experiences (and how they changed us.)
Client Horror Stories

That time your agency was hired only to prevent the partner who hired you from getting fired (with Anthony Higman)

Take 13th at Client Horror Stories is starred by Anthony Highman, along with an exclusive selection of what he considered his top-notch horror stories of many years in the industry. In a quick and easy short story method, Anthony walks Our Beloved Host, Morgan Friedman, and us through the perks and quirks of what it takes to engage in a committed and beneficial for both parts working relationship. 

Anthony’s tales have everything that a captivative story needs: plot twists, cross-state driving, lawyers, conflictive exes (even the marketing world has them!), and the perfect amount of fishing metaphors. All the drama and random turns that today’s episode has are nothing compared to everything we can learn from them. 

Reaching the end, Morgan and Anthony agree that working with clients has three big and essential keys: Being able to explain your strategies and the decisions you make, understanding what your client’s real objectives are (even if they include firing the person who hired you), and building a trust-based relationship from the very beginning. 

Literacy quotes: 

“Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” – Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy


Morgan Friedman