Client Management For Nice People: Jaw-dropping client experiences (and how they changed us.)
Client Horror Stories


As a general rule of thumb, if the company you are working for has just one full-time employee, consider it a red flag.
On the importance of communication-friendly environments, fluid feedback, and the ability of giving bad news.
Every now and then, just a little resentment is not that bad. Especially when the company that fired you tries to recreate your work without you, and massively fails.
Tax avoiding, bizarre sports, IRS agents, and 10-years-old fraud are only a couple of the things we'll be deep diving into in our very first accounting horror story, with the one and only Liz Farr.
Straight from the Hollywood universe, Rick Schirmer brings us a tale on clients with very little experience, and very high expectations. "Influencer Sommelier" and "Delusional button" are just a couple of the brilliant concepts this episode includes.
If the person that's interviewing you for a job opens the door wearing flip flops and having no idea who you are, get out of there. A tale that leaves us valuable tips on trusting your gut, asking for second opinions, and not letting people push you to the edge.