Client Management For Nice People: Jaw-dropping client experiences (and how they changed us.)
Client Horror Stories


Customers aren’t always right. Some of them are really problematic to the point of using the customer card as a free pass to ”special treatment”. Let’s hear out how a company handled such a customer!
An existential crisis is pretty normal and okay to deal with, especially when it comes to mental health. But, sometimes, this life phenomenon affects the people around us too. Let’s hear a different POV and take the chance to gather some life tips in this episode!
Having many creative ideas is what most businesses aim for. However, when too many ideas are coming in, it will be challenging to pick the best one. So, there’s a tendency that you’ll have to try everything – which is the main ingredient for disaster. Find out how to avoid that in this episode!
Always establish good communication with your clients and know that no money is worth the stress and mistreatment.
Liz works with a friend who acts as a liaison between her and the client. The client doesn't trust her or her method. Liz says, "if you are fundamentally different from your client, you will probably never make them happy”.
Always be careful when working with friends, close ones, or family members. You might wind up becoming their packager!